Location : 21624 Hwy 35, South of Dorset. Public launch ramp, small dock, vehicle and trailer parking. Seasonal washroom. Lake charts provided. Plan is to circumnavigate the lake. Some cottages, but also scenic, undeveloped shoreline and wildlife.
Please arrive and launch your boat to begin cruise at 10:00 a.m. We will be following the shoreline to the head of the lake with a lunch stop at Dorset Lions Camp. Boats can be pulled up on the beach or limited docking Grass area for picnic, but no tables or chairs. Washrooms in nearby community centre. As Tuesday is a non dialysis day, patients and their families will be invited to visit and learn about our boats. The afternoon cruise will be along the opposite shore back to launch site.
For information: Karen Boyer and Kerry Harmon – 705-645-9513 – home land line
Morning of July 23rd – 705-205-6166 – cell